此篇文章是Nginx的Michael Pleshakov发表在Nginx官方博客的一篇博文,通过这篇文章概括回顾了Kubernetes暴露服务相关的解决方案,并对最新的Ingreess API进行了说明,最后给出了Kubernetes通过集成NGINX Plus来暴露服务到互联网的解决方案。这个方案解决了目前Kubernetes暴露服务的短板,整个实现过程也比较简单,步骤清晰,具有很强的参考性。我们华三目前也在调研这方面的工作,希望此文能对大家有所帮助。

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Kubernetes is an open source container management system that allows the deployment, orchestration, and scaling of container applications and micro-services across multiple hosts. This tutorial will describe the installation and configuration of a multi-node Kubernetes cluster on CentOS 7.

A single master host will manage the cluster and run several core Kubernetes services.

  • API Server - The REST API endpoint for managing most aspects of the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Replication Controller - Ensures the number of specified pod replicas are always running by starting or shutting down pods.
  • Scheduler - Finds a suitable host where new pods will be reside.
    etcd - A distributed key value store where Kubernetes stores information about itself, pods, services, etc.
  • Flannel - A network overlay that will allow containers to communicate across multiple hosts.

The minion hosts will run the following services to manage containers and their network.

  • Kubelet - Host level pod management; determines the state of pod containers based on the pod manifest received from the Kubernetes master.
  • Proxy - Manages the container network (IP addresses and ports) based on the network service manifests received from the Kubernetes master.
  • Docker - An API and framework built around Linux Containers (LXC) that allows for the easy management of containers and their images.
  • Flannel - A network overlay that will allow containers to communicate across multiple hosts.

Note: Flannel, or another network overlay service, is required to run on the minions when there is more than one minion host. This allows the containers which are typically on their own internal subnet to communicate across multiple hosts. As the Kubernetes master is not typically running containers, the Flannel service is not required to run on the master.

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Redis is a an Open Source advanced key-value cache and store .

Redis Defualt port number : 6379

Redis Source Package Version : Redis 3.0.2 Stable Version (Release Notes)
Redis Download URL : http://redis.io/download

What’s new in Redis 3.0 compared to Redis 2.8?

  1. Redis Cluster: a distributed implementation of a subset of Redis.
  2. New “embedded string” object encoding resulting in less cache misses. Big speed gain under certain work loads.
  3. AOF child -> parent final data transmission to minimize latency due to “last write” during AOF rewrites.
  4. Much improved LRU approximation algorithm for keys eviction.
  5. WAIT command to block waiting for a write to be transmitted to
    the specified number of slaves.
  6. MIGRATE connection caching. Much faster keys migraitons.
  7. MIGRATE new options COPY and REPLACE.
  8. CLIENT PAUSE command: stop processing client requests for a specified amount of time.
  9. BITCOUNT performance improvements.
  10. CONFIG SET accepts memory values in different units (for example you can use “CONFIG SET maxmemory 1gb”).
  11. Redis log format slightly changed reporting in each line the role of the instance (master/slave) or if it’s a saving child log.
  12. INCR performance improvements.
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在Docker生态圈中,Docker仓库用于存储Docker镜像。官方的Docker hub存储了大量镜像,但是对于实际生产环境中,考虑到pull/push速度和保密性等因素,我们往往需要建立自己的镜像仓库服务。官方(docker-registry github )提供了一个registry images,使用这个images就可以快速完成本地镜像仓库的建立。


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【编者的话】为了解决Yelp的基础设施问题,Eaton带领团队对容器进行调研并寻求解决方法,最终决定使用Apache Mesos和Mesosphere。基于Mesosphere构建了PaasTA服务,为测试环境开发了Seagull平台。本文对Yelp公司采取容器方案前的困境以及采取容器方案后的好处分别进行了说明。

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本文主要是对在巴塞罗那举办的DockerCon大会上介绍的unikernels总结。unikernels是一种新的容器化发展方向,使用Rump Kernels构建Rump Kernels微服务,可以像传统的容器一样管理使用,能充分利用到现有容器生态系统的优点。

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